ContactBuy or sell a property, product and services at better deal on Aktive Deals.
The objective was to provide you a platform where you can offer or get a better deal on residenatial or commercial property, product and services. Aktive Deals is delelovped for business owners, professionals and individuals. Members on Aktive Deals can post products and services, connect with other members and once connection request has been approved by the reciever; they can call, meet and do business. The ultimate objective of Aktive Deals is to help everyone to grow in personal and professional life.
How It Works?
Register your Profile.
- Your photo is required.
- One Time Registration Fee Rs.3000/-
Connect and Grow your Business.
- Select Category & City in Search Bar.
- Find & View Profiles.
- Send Connection Request.
Post Your Requirements
- Get The Best Proposals from our members.
- Save your Time. Save your Money.